Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Where's the Love?

Okay, dear friends who urged me to switch to blogger so you could comment . . . you know who you are.

I'm waiting on your comments. :P

(Seriously, y'all, this is embarrassing - my mom is the only one commenting. Love you, Mom.)


  1. I heart you AND your blog. You are like a real-life Martha Stewart. I would love for you to do some posts about how you manage your household. I need help in that area and you seem to enjoy it so much!

  2. dude, I SO comment. I have many comments to make :)

    oh, and Hi Mrs. Chandler!! :)

  3. Sorry girl. I read everyday and think many comments in my head. I'll put pen to paper (wait....fingers to keyboard) and tell them to you now. :)

    Love your blog!

  4. You'll make a great mom! You've already learned the "guilt 'em into it" strategy. Moms use it all the time :)

    Hi, Jenn! You need to try and get down for a game this season and see our new digs :)

  5. So it's probably some weird thing with my computer, but every time I try to comment, it never goes through! Here's hoping it works this time...

    Keep blogging!

  6. Thanks, friends. I'm feeling the love now. :)

    Also feeling convicted I should comment more on other's blogs!

    And Katie - good idea on the household tips. Of course I learned it all from Mom.
