Monday, June 28, 2010

Moving Update

I am making progress on the list I posted a few weeks ago. We're down to about six and a half weeks till moving day, and I am getting excited!

1. Found a house to rent - YAY! The Gent and I traveled last weekend to house-hunt. We saw six houses, three of which were uninhabitable. Let's just say one was infested with fleas and leave it at that. UGH. One was workable, a second we liked, and the third we loved. It is double the size of our apartment, has a fenced yard, 1920s Craftsman style, lots of built-ins, high ceilings, and did I mention I love it.

2. Resigned my job - DOUBLE YAY! I had been planning that speech for a while. It went smoothly and I felt great after delivering it. My boss asked what he could do to change my mind, and I said "I think we're past that. I appreciate the opportunity to work here, but it is time for me to take a new direction."

3. Rented a moving van.

4. Lined up volunteer movers in the new city. Have to find a few here, but the Gent has been paying it forward and helping friends move, so that shouldn't be too hard.

5. We've started hosting parties and dinners for friends, just have about four more to get scheduled. I love entertaining. :)

6. Already got all my books back. Wow, friends, you were quick! Thanks!

7. And I have a nice box collection going . . . I'm sure we'll need more but the closets are full for now!


  1. When do we get to see pictures of this dream house?

  2. I am so glad you found a great house! We want to have you two over before you leave.
