Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ahh, the nausea is here

Not too bad yet . . . this is the third day, though, and it is getting a little bit worse each day. Any suggestions for dealing with morning sickness?


  1. I'm sorry you are queasy, but everything I read says nausea is a good sign that you have raging hormones and a good strong pregnancy.

    Are you taking B Complex both morning and night? Several of the articles I read stated that some of the B vitamins helped with nausea. And I know you are, but drink lots of water; dehydration makes it worse.

    Sorry I don't have any magic answers, but you were a good little baby and didn't give me morning sickness :)

  2. i loved drinking ginger ale. supposedly ginger relieves nausea - fever tree ginger ale is all natural and really, really tasty (as well as really, really expensive as far as ginger ale goes :) but, it's worth it when your nausea gets bad!

    hang in there!

  3. Remedies I have heard of: lemon drops, life savers, anything you can suck on. Popsicles, ginger snaps (must be real ginger, not the sugary kids cookies), maybe try whole foods and see what they have?

  4. I still stick by my recommendation of ginger ale. Love you! Papa Rick
