Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Gent's Essentials

Given AbbasGirl's thoughtful post on beauty supplies, I thought I owed it to you to do one of my own. My own essentials are listed below--additional suggestions are welcome.

1. Soap. Yep, good old animal fat and lye, pressed into a handy bar. In a pinch, having #1 can be a substitute for #2.

2. Shampoo. But only if it comes in a manly/ugly colored bottle and you can buy it in bulk. Otherwise, just use #1.

3. Toothbrush. Toothpaste is a nice addition, but not necessary.

4. Deodorant. Despite the fact that civilizations did quite well without it for thousands of years, we men have begrudgingly accepted it as a necessity.

Well, that's about it. Man, I love being a guy.


  1. Well all I can say is, although I have never met you officially, you do seem like a very lucky fellow and you list of "essentials" just seem to solidify that for me. As with my husband, you have no idea how lucky you are to be a guy.....

  2. Your bar of soap looks like a Magic Eraser. Which, I suppose would do the trick as well? It is by Mr. Clean, after all. :)
