Monday, March 21, 2011

Slow Weight Gain

No pictures this time, sorry! I'll post some later this week. I have a prayer request instead. Our little Annie girl is doing wonderfully, nursing well, sleeping well, and having lots of alert time where she just soaks in her little world. However, she has been gaining weight very slowly, 2-3 ounces per week, so she is still not back up to her birth weight. We are having to supplement with formula for a week or so, till she gets back to birth weight. I am not very happy about that, but definitely want to do what is best for her. Please pray for her to gain quickly and for us to be able to go back to 100% breastfeeding soon!

1 comment:

  1. Pretty soon we are going to be laughing at her little roly-poly legs! I can't believe the number of moms I have talked to just today who followed exactly the same scenario. Their babies gained very slowly, they boosted them with a little formula and were back to 100 % breast feeding in a few weeks. You're doing a great job. Tell Annie her Honey will be there to see her on Sunday!
