Friday, September 10, 2010

New Ob

So . . .

I met with my new doctor yesterday. Baby is doing well, strong heartbeat, and growing right on schedule. The doctor reaffirmed what you all told me about weight gain - that it will come and not to worry about it, just to keep up with healthy meals.

I guess I am just feeling somewhat ambivalent about the doctor? I loved the doctor I was working with before the move, but the practice and hospital had lots of rules about labor and delivery that I was not going to like. I chose this new doctor because he is very open to letting me have whatever kind of pregnancy and birth experience I want. (At this point, I am planning a natural childbirth. More on that in the months to come.) He is comfortable working with a doula, doing intermittent fetal monitoring so I can move around during labor, etc. And his c-section rate is about 20%, a good bit lower than the national average of 33%.

But . . .

I really wanted a feeling of "whole care," if that makes any sense. I really really really wanted to work with a certified nurse midwife. (They deliver in hospitals, which I want just in case something goes wrong.) I was hoping to have a female medical provider who would really walk me through the whole pregnancy, providing reassurance and information as well as medical care. But the CNMs here are not on my insurance plan. ARGH.

Anyway, this doctor will be fine, I think. He didn't rush me and was patient answering my questions. He's delivered about 10,000 babies (!!!) so he's pretty much seen it all. His personality is a little awkward/quirky, but I can live with that. My biggest irritation was that I was kept waiting for over an hour. And no, he wasn't off delivering a baby, he was just running behind. Hopefully that will not become habitual.

Hmmm . . .

For my mama friends, how did you choose your doctor?

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