Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Annie: Ten Months

She just gets cuter every day. :)




She loves to wave. All the time. In any mirror she can find. In this picture she is waving at Huck.

And she loves to crawl. And pull up. And scoot. And practice walking with our help. Baby girl is on the move!

Besides waving and crawling and other forms of locomotion, Annie has learned to clap this month. Her facial expressions keep getting more and more expressive. She babbles and tries to mimic our conversations. She likes to play peek-a-boo and still loves to eat and nurse. She has gotten quite good with the sippy cup. Still no teeth, but I just love that gummy grin! She knows her name and the meaning of no, and sometimes she obeys it. Stranger anxiety is still in full force and I'm not pushing her. I realize I lean toward attachment parenting and that's fine with me. :) I like baby-wearing, nursing, and responding to Annie's needs as they arise. But Annie does sleep in her own room and we do stick do our daily routine or she (and Mama) get all out of whack.

She is still sleeping 8-8 at night and taking two good naps a day, hurray! We are working on eliminating the 6am nursing so she will sleep 8-8 straight through. That sounds lovely - wish I could sleep that long!

Each month I think "this is my favorite" but each month it gets better. Can't wait to see what next month brings!

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