Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Last weekend the Gent and I decided to set up Annie's jumperoo and see if she was big enough for it. She has been getting bored in the swing lately, and I need someplace safe to put her when I need two hands for a few minutes. She LOVED it. She was grinning and laughing and looking at us as if to say, "you've been holding out on me!"

Her sweet little baby toes wouldn't quite reach . . .

. . . but we found a solution.

Annie thinks this toy is awesome!


  1. my kids always loved the jumper! although, "back in our day" it was attached to the door jam & they really got some air :)

  2. I have the best photo from Christmas morning of Sydney at 7 months with her johnny jumper hanging on the door frame at my grandmother's house sound asleep. Oh the memories our children make for us... they truly are priceless. You are just starting your memory book with this precious one.

  3. My nephew David, who is 2 months older than Annie is a jumperoo addict. I think his first day in it was the happiest yet of his life.

  4. I'm going to have to bring our downstairs! I hadn't thought that Thomas was big enough yet but I think he may be :)
