Tuesday, February 16, 2016

One Thousand Gifts, 976-1000

976. Watercolors outside with the munchkins
977. Watching the kids play together
978. Seeing the games they make up and how they include each other (when they aren't fighting)
979. Fresh fruit
980. The availability of any food item we desire
981. Our lovely home
982. Family time
983. Doing little things that make those I love happy
984. Seeing my niece dedicated at church
985. Celebrating birthdays
986. That, with God, even suffering has a purpose
987. It is Well by Bethel Music
988. Reading poems with the kids
989. The solid foundation for life in Scripture
990. Planning visits with old friends
991. Playdates with new friends
992. Library story time with all my babies
993. One on one time with each child
994. Trying out the Gent's favorite coffee shop with him
995. Welcoming Daddy home every evening
996. Making dinner for my family
997. Our awesome parents and extended families
998. Snuggling with Nora
999. Opening up our home to children who need a safe place and loving family
1000. "Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside."

1 comment:

  1. I have so enjoyed this continuing list - thank you for sharing these. Hope you and your brood are doing GREAT
