Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not Good News

We had our ultrasound yesterday, but we weren't able to see a fetal pole or a heartbeat. At seven weeks I am definitely far enough along that we should have seen the beginnings of a baby. Since I chart and have for some time, it is improbable that my dates are off. At first the doctor wasn't concerned, but when I showed her my chart she became more apprehensive. She thinks that I will likely miscarry in the next few weeks, once my body realizes the baby is not growing. I go back for another ultrasound Tuesday to see if anything has changed but that is unlikely. I am not giving up hope entirely, but am being realistic. Unlike my pregnancy with Noel, when I had no symptoms, I feel very pregnant this time around, all the same symptoms I had with Annie. It is very strange to have the symptoms when I know most likely our baby is already gone. Emotionally I am feeling okay, stuck in limbo. I know that whatever happens we will get through it. I really don't want to walk the miscarriage road again. But I know that God is faithful, and I trust Him. Your prayers are treasured, dear friends.


  1. I'm praying for you!

  2. I'm so sorry. Our prayers are with you and your family. Sariah

  3. You are in my thoughts and I send positive, healing and peaceful energy your way. You are loved. Take good care.

  4. Praying for you, knowing God has a plan for the little life inside you.
