Friday, January 27, 2012

Sick Baby, Flooded Basement, and--oh yeah--Phriday Phone Photos

Our week started off well
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Annie made faces in mirrors
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Played with baby dolls
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Pulled all the books off the shelves (and on the other side of the room, all the toys out of the baskets)
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"Read" books and enjoyed being destructo-girl
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Got sick for the first time ever. Sigh. We almost made it to her first birthday with no sickness so I am not complaining. Lots of snuggling and lots of snot. Yes, that is snot on my sleeve. Hers, not mine. Hubs was sick last week, Annie sick this week, hoping not mama next week!
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Oh, then yesterday our basement flooded. We know what to do about it now, though. The Gent came home from work, ran by tool rental store to pick up extra pump, and set it up. Two feet of water in basement now gone. Just mud left. But since baby is sick and trip to visit Bebe and Papa Rick is off, we'll have plenty of time to clean it up.
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Maybe someday when we have an extra 10-15 grand lying around we will install the waterproofing system we need in the basement. Until then--maybe forever?--we'll just live with it. Renting a pump for $35 a day two or three times a year definitely works out to be a cheaper solution. :) In the meantime we'll do our best to keep the street clean.
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And oh, yeah, I'm still practicing thankfulness over here. Know what I'm thankful for?
- husband who left work early to come deal with flood so I could focus on sick baby
- husband who entertained baby after dinner so I actually had 45 minutes with no snot
- husband who went to grocery store while I put baby to bed and returned with sunflowers, the best ice cream in the world (for me), and beer (for him)

Do we sense a theme here? He's my hero. :D

Happy weekend, y'all!


  1. Bless that baby's heart and snotty nose....and her mama too. Keep your chin up, and keep drinking EmergenC.....

  2. It’s amazing how babies ALWAYS pull every book off the book shelf & make that same “pile” on the floor with them. Every.Single.Day.For.Months! One day, they won’t, and you’ll actually miss it! (And then, years later you may unexpectedly discover God is gifting your family with another baby who will do the same... :)

  3. Sorry to hear gent and Annie have been sick. What a wonderful sweetheart, tho, to bring what you want, do what you need...and ice cream! I'm jealous... You guys take care and be well.

  4. I'm trying to decide if he is a hero or a goat for finding out that our favorite ice cream is sold in our local grocery store! Just kidding, you know I think he is a hero!! But, it sure was easier to resist that ice cream when I couldn't get it so easily. :) Hope Annie continues to feel better - and that mama stays well!!
