Friday, September 11, 2020

What You Do Best

It is so easy to be overwhelmed by ALL THE THINGS YOU MUST DO when you're a mom, and it really piles on when you are the teacher, too! This year I'm really focusing on what our family does well and what we enjoy and letting the rest go. This is the beauty of homeschooling.

We love read-alouds. We all like our math program. We love studying history. We are pretty good at science experiments. 

I always think we should be outside more, but in reality Mama doesn't like bugs, snakes, and mud. I never do the projects that go along with our history curriculum. Making dioramas and mummifying a chicken is just not for me.

So I don't get to all the things. I bake my own bread, but I buy the pre-washed salad. It is all a balance.

We do the essentials every day (math and language arts), then use the time that remains to do the things we enjoy. All the minutes and days and weeks add up to lots of learning--I'm always amazed when I look back at the end of the year and see all the ways we grew in knowledge together.

Play to your strengths, friends!

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