Monday, November 9, 2015

One Thousand Gifts, 701-725

701. The fun Jacob has had playing soccer this fall.
702. Also that the end of soccer season is approaching.
703. Coffee in my favorite mug, made by the Gent each morning.
704. A morning to spend mostly at home.
705. Shopping with Honey.
706. Sunday afternoon nap while football plays in the background.
707. Looking forward to a weekend in my happy place.
708. Studying God's Word...even when I can't comprehend all I'm learning.
709. Hearing the joy my munchkins find in their siblings.
710. Playing and snuggling with a sweet little boy in the church nursery.
711. Opportunities to serve others (may I have a more grateful heart to do so).
712. Learning more about the Holy Spirit.
713. Reflecting on the true Light of the world.
714. Listening to Jacob's chatter.
715. That he is our boy forever and ever and always!
715. Watching Nora try to figure out crawling.
716. Teaching Annie to pray.
717. Singing with Sophie.
718. Smart phones.
719. A stack of library books for Mama.
720. Teaching my munchkins.
721. Planning Christmas parties.
722. Music.
723. Lunch dates with the Gent.
724. Help from Honey!
725. Jacob's framed adoption portrait hanging in the family gallery wall.

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