Monday, February 6, 2012

Bread Baking

I love making my own bread. I started about two and a half years ago on a whim (wanted to see if I could do it) and it has turned into something I really enjoy doing for our family. There's something very satisfying in caring for those I love this way, something that connects in my heart to the way women have cared for their families for thousands of years. So simple. Mix the water and the yeast, add the flour, watch it rise, work the dough, shape the loaves, smell bread baking.

And no, I'm not yearning to really live back in the "good old days." I like my modern conveniences very much, thank you. I want a Roomba for my birthday. Anyone want to contribute to my fund? :D

1 comment:

  1. I make bread for our family almost every weekend!! I like to do laundry at the same time because the temperature in the dryer right after you take the clothes out is perfect for letting the dough rise.

    I've done a few variations but commonly just make plain bread with whole wheat flour. What's your favorite recipe/type to make?
