Friday, April 26, 2013

Peanut: Nine Months!



Last monthly photo, here we are! Peanut is active and growing perfectly and I am enjoying these last few weeks of feeling her moving inside me. Most days I really don't even feel pregnant. Yesterday I was listening to other mamas complaining in the doctor's office about not having any energy and thinking to myself "I don't have time for that!" I like staying busy and Annie and I are enjoying some time with just the two of us. I still walk (though slower and not as far as I was a few months ago) and do yoga and I know that helps, because I can feel a difference when I don't. I bought newborn diapers and a few other essentials to go with all the lovely gifts from the shower, so I think we are ready on the material goods front. I made a note to pack my hospital bag next week and install the car seat. Then we'll just wait for Peanut to make her debut. I predict sometime in the next six weeks I'll be having a baby. :D


  1. C’mon and admit it - this is your 6 month picture ;) You absolutely GREAT!!! Can’t wait to read about her arrival... trying natural again?

  2. You look amazing! That dress has served you and your babies well :) Looking forward to the news!

    Congratulations and Miss you,
