And just like that, she's two.
Insert some mama sadness and gladness here.
Sad that she's not going to be the baby much longer. Glad about all the new things she's learning and experiencing.
This month Annie learned to sing. Her favorites are "ABC" and "You are My Sunshine." She moved from her crib to toddler bed and now to her big girl bed in her big girl room. Annie still adores books and dolls and clothes, especially shoes. She loved her birthday party and enjoyed being the center of attention. She now fully understands the word "present." Annie loves to talk and wants to be part of our conversations. She is learning about taking turns. :)
Annie Kathryn, you bring so much joy to my life. You truly are my sunshine, with your happy personality and determination. I can't believe you are two already, and about to be a big sister. I'm in awe over all the things you've learned over the past two years. It is my privilege to watch you grow and guide you along the way. I love you with all my heart, and I thank God every day for blessing me with you!
I can not believe how big she is....these two years have just FLOWN by.