Annie looks so little in her big bed! She is doing well with the transition. I usually have to put her back in her room a couple of times in the morning and again at nap time, but overall we are adjusting well. The nursery is empty for now and it seems so strange not to have a baby sleeping there, but I guess we will have another one soon enough. :)
A couple of updates to her 24 month post: we are finally down to one nap! She naps (or at least stays in her room) for about three hours. JJ usually sleeps even longer. No complaints from me about that. And we went to the doctor yesterday for her two year old checkup. Annie weighs 24 pounds and is 32 1/2 inches tall. She's finally out of the 10th percentile and into the 25th, what a growth spurt!
She is borderline anemic so we are adding an iron supplement and trying to get her to eat a richer-in-iron diet. Problem is the kid really doesn't like much in the way of meat and vegetables. I'm adding more eggs, raisins, beans, nuts, iron-fortified cereals and any meat she'll eat (which at this point is deli cold cuts and turkey sausage--she doesn't like cooked meat). And I'm trying to pair iron-rich foods with fruit high in vitamin C (which thankfully she loves) and not with dairy. Other suggestions welcome.
Avery LOVES smoothies! I always add spinach which is a great source of iron. She doesn't even realize it is in there. She always begs for more!