Showing posts with label Improver Monday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Improver Monday. Show all posts

Monday, April 25, 2016


This week's goal: wash my face and apply lotion with sunscreen each morning. I always wash my face at night (the only night I remember not doing so is the night Annie was born and I couldn't get out of bed without fainting!) but in the morning I am usually pressed for time and so I skip it. Committing to the extra 30 seconds this week. :)

Monday, April 18, 2016

A Goal I Can Keep

This week's goal is to finish my (decaf) coffee every morning before the kids get up. Because if I don't, I'll find my mug at rest time and reheat it and that's just not the same. :)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Finish Strong

School, baseball, BSF, ballet, and storytime all wrap up in the next four weeks. Our goal is to skip burnout and finish strong!

Monday, April 4, 2016

Glasses Again

And we're back to this. We were doing better for a while and now we are slipping again. She puts them on first thing in the morning, takes them off 30 minutes later, and then I forget about them until I see her empty glasses case in her room at bedtime. Oops!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Go Outside

This week--keep up the outside play! We have been playing outside almost every day for the past two weeks. Yay for cooperative weather. My kiddos are so much better behaved when they have had time to run off energy in the sunshine!

Monday, March 21, 2016

Get Back on Track

This week's goal is a personal one for me: get eating and exercise back on track. We have all been sick off and on for the past week, and eating well and exercising have fallen by the wayside. Weight is holding steady since I finished Body for Life nine months ago (!!!) but I need to tone up. Today is off to a good start: I ran hard at the gym, drank a bottle of water, and now I'm enjoying a cup of decaf. Smoothie and Greek yogurt for breakfast coming soon. Now to keep it up through Friday. ;)

Monday, March 14, 2016

Drink More Water

I drink water all day long, but my kids hardly drink anything at all these days. Going to try to get them to drink a Camelbak of water each day.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Ignore the Whining

We'll see how this week goes. Going to try ignoring the whining instead of saying over and over again, "use words; I can't understand you when you whine." Will we be successful? Who knows but I'm willing to try!

And we were out of town for four days and we did a terrible job with the glasses. I think she wore them two days last week. We'll keep trying to do better at this...

Monday, February 29, 2016

Remember to Wear Glasses

This week: Sophie needs to wear her glasses more. We had a lot going on last week and we kind of slipped up. She is supposed to wear them 50% of her waking hours . . . can we average that over the whole month? ;)

Monday, February 22, 2016

Improver Monday

Trying something new here and hoping that if I write it down it will keep me accountable. For the past few weeks, I've picked one thing to try to improve/reduce stress around here. The quality of the goal varies greatly. :) Two weeks ago it was "make sure the kids brush their teeth every morning." Last week it was "stay on top of Jacob's temper tantrums." This week's goal:

Laugh more.

When Sophie leaves an open cereal container on the kitchen floor and the dog licks all around it.

When Nora drops her cup and the lid comes off and milk goes everywhere.

When Jacob dances around to the nursery rhymes cd that drives me crazy.

When Annie tells silly stories punctuated by lots and lots of giggles.

Not stressing.

Not worrying about cleaning that up again.


Wish me luck.