Monday, February 22, 2016

Improver Monday

Trying something new here and hoping that if I write it down it will keep me accountable. For the past few weeks, I've picked one thing to try to improve/reduce stress around here. The quality of the goal varies greatly. :) Two weeks ago it was "make sure the kids brush their teeth every morning." Last week it was "stay on top of Jacob's temper tantrums." This week's goal:

Laugh more.

When Sophie leaves an open cereal container on the kitchen floor and the dog licks all around it.

When Nora drops her cup and the lid comes off and milk goes everywhere.

When Jacob dances around to the nursery rhymes cd that drives me crazy.

When Annie tells silly stories punctuated by lots and lots of giggles.

Not stressing.

Not worrying about cleaning that up again.


Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. Best of Luck to you - You have lots to be happy and laugh about - these examples made me smile.
