I can't believe I only have two more monthly photos to do. Yikes! Good thing the nursery is almost finished (waiting on the elusive perfect rug . . . ) and I'm coming around to the whole pushing thing again. I do want to hold and cuddle and nurse our sweet little girl, and I don't want a c-section, so I'm reconciling myself to a hopefully short (was only about 20 minutes with Annie) but I'm-sure-will-be-intense pushing phase. And on that note, would you please pray with us for an uneventful labor and delivery, and an uncomplicated recovery? With Annie, all went smoothly until she was born. Unfortunately she swallowed meconium and wasn't breathing at birth, so I didn't get to hold her right away. And then I had some hemorrhaging and a longer than normal recovery period (about three months versus the usual six weeks). Really hoping the second time around is easier.
This month strangers are finally comfortable acknowledging my pregnancy. You always want to wait until it is completely obvious before you make any comments. :) Baby belly definitely fits that category now. Weight gain is right on track to end up about 25 pounds. The less I gain the less I have to lose, and doctor is very pleased with baby's growth, so I'm keeping to the same eating plan for now. My back is starting to bother me more and I'm trying to stay active to keep that at bay. Walking and yoga do the trick, it is just toting toddlers around that gets me! I try not to carry them much, but some things they can't do for themselves (like lifting JJ into his crib, getting them into carseats and booster seats at the table, etc).
Peanut is head down and I told her to stay that way. We'll see how well she minds, ha. She kicks and wiggles and moves A LOT. I love feeling her dancing around in my belly and can't wait to meet her in 11 more weeks! We are doing a 4D ultrasound next week so I will have more baby pictures for you soon.
What a beautiful expecting mother you are! As with Annie and JJ, what a lucky little one you are carrying.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck on a safe, uneventful delivery "process".
Love and misses -
You’ve really grown since your last picture! Cute little belly :) You will do great when it comes time to labor... you &your body know what to expect now! Just remind yourself that your body was MADE to go thru the labor process, endure the pain, and all. 1st time was definitely hardest for me... my body seemed to stretch & cooperate better with each baby. And my determination to do it naturally kicked in just in time. Matt says I take on a whole different persona when it’s “go time” in the delivery room - haha! And every baby responds differently to the labor process. But I will pray for this little girl to not have any complications - or you, for that matter (I hemorrhaged with #3 & #5). Can’t wait to see her!