Monday, February 18, 2013

JJ: 21 Months


JJ's language is taking off this month. He is parroting lots of words back to me and he really likes being better at communicating. Yesterday he learned "choo choo." He had lots of fun helping his train make noises. We encourage him to use a word to say what he wants instead of throwing a fit. This month we switched strategies for dealing with his tantrums (we have been ignoring them for seven months, and obviously that was not working) and introduced time out. Which for him, just means I put him in his crib till he stops screaming, and then get him right up. It usually takes less than a minute and so far if has been very successful (no more tantrums for the rest of that day). Part of parenting . . . constantly changing strategies and looking for the one that works, at least for a while! JJ likes music, stuffed animals, books, his toy vacuum cleaner (but not the real one), and going "bye bye." He ate strawberries for the first time this month, after being offered them 457 times. Slowly but surely he is learning to eat new foods! His favorites are milk, bread, turkey sausage, and banana.

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