I had an interesting discussion with a couple of my girlfriends last month. The great topic: birth control. Dah Dah Dah Dum. Here's an email with my part of our chat.
"'Christians may make careful and discriminating use of proper technologies, but must never buy into the contraceptive mentality. We can never see children as problems to be avoided, but always as gifts to be welcomed and received.'
The article I quoted above (link
here) was a great jumping off point for me as I started researching birth control from a Christian perspective several years ago. I was on the pill for the first 2 1/2 years of our marriage, though I was never completely comfortable with it. I realize now how much better I feel working with my body to achieve or avoid pregnancy instead. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It is not a Christian book, just a great primer on knowing your own body and instruction on using fertility awareness as birth control. It does work if you practice it correctly. :)
I am not opposed to truly contraceptive birth control (meaning it prevents ovulation, like the pill, or blocks sperm and egg from meeting, like a diaphragm). I believe life begins at conception, because everything necessary for life is there at that moment. So while I think that the pill and its equivalent (like nuva- ring) and barrier methods are okay for Christians to use if used for the right motives, IUDs and morning after pills fall into the abortifacient category for me."
But in addition to those thoughts, I am so frustrated with doctors and pharmaceutical companies who push the pill like there are no other options. Just in case you didn't know--you have options, ladies! And remember your body works just the way God designed it. Pregnancy is not an evil thing to be avoided at all costs. Your body was designed to give life.
Even feminists are jumping on the bandwagon now (a la
Sweetening the Pill). Join the party, research, and decide what is really best for you!