cuddles with bear
this photo shoot is over!
I know I have this phrase on repeat, but I can't believe Sophie is one month old already. She has already changed so much! Sophie is an alert little baby, very interested in all that is going on around her. And with Annie and JJ running around, something is going on most of the time. :) Sophie is a champ at nursing and sleeping, two very important things around here! She started rolling from tummy to back at two weeks, even earlier than Annie. But she doesn't have the head control Annie did at this age--every baby is unique!
We had her one month check-up today and she continues to be perfect, of course. She weighs 10 pounds, 3 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long.
Sophie's typical day looks like this: Wake up around 9am, nurse and get dressed. Play on a blanket for a little while (this is about the only time of day she is not being held, in her car seat or the Moby wrap, or sleeping--she is not a fan of being put down much but tolerates it in the morning). Head out somewhere with Mama, Annie, and JJ. Catch cat naps here and there. Get home around noon. Nurse again. Finish up tummy time while Mama puts the big kids down for a nap. Sophie's not usually happy with this, but I tell her she's the third child and she has to wait her turn sometimes. Cuddle with Mama and nurse a little more, nap from 1-4 like the big kids. Wake up and eat again. Watch Annie and JJ play. Sophie sits in her high chair (it reclines back) while we have family dinner, which sometimes goes very smoothly and the Gent and I enjoy conversation while Annie and JJ happily eat whatever I have served and Sophie observes us all from her perch. And most of the time is a bit crazier affair with at least one toddler refusing to eat, Sophie fussing, and the Gent and/or I returning our plates to the fridge to reheat after we get these adorable/annoying children to bed. :) Daddy gives Sophie a bath around 7 and then I nurse her and put her to bed. I get her up around 10pm to nurse one more time before I go to sleep, and then she wakes around 3am and 6am to eat.
I'm sure this will all be changing next month, but so far that's what's working.
Happy one month birthday, sweet girl! Don't grow up too fast!
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