Santa Claus came. Twice! Here is Santa Papaw.
And Santa Rick!
Nana and Papaw
Sparkly gift bags!!!
Learning how to open presents
Helping Daddy
Annie with her new raincoat and boots, so cute!
Papa Rick helping Annie figure out her new toys
More family arrived in time for brunch. The men all congregated in the family room. I think they were watching basketball.
Poppa cooked the bacon, his specialty. Honey supervised.
Happy Christmas treats to the doggies, too!
Annie, Daddy, and Tripp
Hannah and Will
Mama Rita and Papa Gene
Christmas dinner
When all our company left Christmas evening, the Gent dove into his new books.
Our family
This was such a wonderful Christmas! I loved everything about it. I also love the way Annie is looking at the Santa Clauses. Wonder if she will like them so well next year? She is so adorable in that little hat and in her raincoat and boots. Wonder how long it will take for her to grow into them? The picture of her standing up holding onto her cube is precious. Oh, let's admit it, she is the most adorable, beautiful, happy baby ever!!