Monday, January 17, 2011

Our First Ever Baby Guessing Game

We thought it would be fun to play a little guessing game with our blog readers (and maybe encourage some of those silent readers to come out and participate). If you want to enter our first ever baby guessing game, leave a comment below! Take a guess at:

1. what baby's name will be
2. what day she will be born (we'll count days as 24-hour periods, from midnight to 11:59pm)
3. how much she will weigh

We'll see who gets the closest. Maybe there will be a prize for the winner. ;) Good luck!


  1. Anna
    February 25 (sorry, wish she would come early!)
    7 lbs 2 ozs

    You know I am a terrible guesser!!

  2. Bob Andy guesses:

    McKenzie Allyn
    February 18
    7lbs 5 oz

  3. Sarah Elizabeth (notice initials will be SEC!)
    February 23
    7 lbs 3 1/2 ozs

  4. Nana says:

    February 18, 2011 6:30 P.M.

  5. Ooooh I love guessing games :)

    Anna, Grace or Abigail
    February 17
    8 pounds, 4 ounces

    Regardless of name, date and time, she is going to be absolutely beautiful!

  6. Pap Paw says:

    Feb. 25th, 1:00 P.M.
    7lb. 2 oz.

  7. That second cincytiger was your dad! I'm not trying to double dip on the guessing. Although Miss Samantha, you can't guess three names!! :)

  8. I'm trying to remember my first guess... something Elizabeth. I like Sarah Elizabeth, but it's taken. I'll say Rachel Elizabeth.
    February 19
    7 lb 8 oz


  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Jenn guesses:
    Emma Grace (I'm partial to Emmas :-))
    February 24th @ 10:23 AM
    7 lbs 5 oz

    Kenny guesses:
    Elizabeth Jane
    February 17th @ 2:40 PM
    7 lbs 8 oz

    Must...squeeze...this...child!!! :-)

  11. :) I was guessing one for first name, one for middle name and a wildcard...

    Anna Grace is my official guess, I threw in Abigail because that is my personal favorite.

    I can't wait to meet the little one!

  12. The name is between Sarah Grace and Hopeasanta! I like Jenn's guess, love the name Emma!

    I want her to come on Feb. 18th 8:37 am or either wait until March 9, anytime you say, cause they will induce!...(so I will be in the country.) I would shoot for the 18th, personally! Anyway, that is a Friday and Friday's child is loving and giving!

    You are so small, I am predicting she will weigh 7 lbs. 1 1/2 oz unless you actually go to March 9th... then she will be a 10 pounder!
    Aunt Ne'

  13. Uncle Mike guesses:
    Anna Ruth
    Feb. 25th
    6 lbs. 8 ozs.
    18 1/2 inches long
