Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Bible Study this Year

The past four years I have studied a book of the Bible through Bible Study Fellowship. But with homeschooling taking off in full swing this year, I wasn’t able to participate in the weekly morning class anymore. And our family struggles with evening obligations. It is just hard to be out at night with kids, or for the Gent to be able to come home early consistently. BSF wasn’t something I could commit to this year. And the women’s studies at our church were all during the daytime, too.

But what to do instead?! I’ve been keeping up with my daily Bible reading. This year I have been reading through the New Testament. Did you know if you read one chapter a day, Monday through Friday, you’ll read all the NT in a year with a few days to spare? I’ve also been continuing in Nancy Guthrie’s One Year Book of Hope.

Now that our school year is in a good pattern, I’ve added a bit more in-depth study. Nancy Guthrie’s Holding on to Hope includes a study on the book of Job that I’ve started walking through. And I also have Ann Voskamp’s Broken Way study guide. I plan to tackle one at a time. Then after that I’m going to use my concordance to read through what the New Testament says about prayer. I plan to go slowly through this, with my journal, and really study for myself what God’s Word has to say about prayer. I’ve heard plenty of sermons on prayer and ready plenty of books about it, but after our journey with David, I just find prayer mystifying and confusing and sometimes futile. I pray for my family and Compassion kids and the needs I know of in our church and community group and elsewhere, but I don’t really know why I’m doing it or what I’m supposed to be accomplishing. I need to cut out the chatter from others and study and listen for myself to what the Lord really teaches about prayer in His Word. I’m excited to dive in to this and see what truths He has to teach me.

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