Monday, August 7, 2017


I'll get back to my regular posting schedule (usually Tuesdays and Fridays) soon. We've just had a lot going on lately. May was family time, June was easing into summer, and July was full-on summer. We have done several short trips and spent lots of time with friends and had many summer adventures. But now that August is here we are slowing down just a bit and getting ourselves back in order before we start school. Nora and I are going to finish her potty-training (she's been mostly potty-trained since May, we just haven't been home more than two days in a row to finish it) and all four children and Mama are working together on a return to instant obedience and cheerful hearts. Time to turn Jacob's response of "oh man" to "yes ma'am." ;)

I sat down last week and made a list of what's working and what's not. Where do we need more structure, where do we need a better system, where do we need to say no to a few things to make our lives more enjoyable and less hectic. I have some ideas for the fall so we will see how it goes as I set about implementing them. One thing the kids and I have already started (and they love) is afternoon tea-time. After rest time, we sit around the table and have a little snack together and I read a few poems aloud. Friday we had iced herbal tea and a chocolate chip cookie, today we are having banana "milkshakes" (banana, spinach, plain Greek yogurt, and milk with a few ice cubes). Usually our snack is fruit or nuts, but I'm trying to get out of the rut a little while still keeping it (mostly) healthy.

We framed and hung pictures of David last week and marked his three month day. I am glad to have the pictures up, even though it was difficult to look through them and decide what to have printed. I am thankful we have so many beautiful images. I'll share some here . . . eventually. Little bits at a time.

Yesterday, I sang with our church worship team for the first time since we got David's diagnosis. We sang Your Grace is Enough, It is Well with My Soul, and Sovereign Over Us. Beautiful songs. Hard to sing because those are the truths I am living now. But it was good to do. More healing, more moving forward. Thankful for family and friends who continue to pray us through.

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