I am feeling good and strong and keeping up with walking and yoga. David is an active little guy and we love feeling his kicks. Either my babies have gotten more active through each pregnancy or my ab muscles have gotten weaker. ;) I've made my birth plan and am getting the final draft together, made plans for the other kiddos while we are at the hospital, and just generally been getting my ducks in a row. The Gent and I are making some hard decisions about burial and memorial plans this week. We just want to get those details over with so we can rest and enjoy this time while David is alive and not have to worry about making a lot of big decisions immediately postpartum. Some sweet friends are hosting a celebration for David this weekend and I am looking forward to that. Each day we get closer to meeting him...I look forward to it and I dread it.
P.S. If one more stranger tells me (after they ask and I tell them baby is a boy) that they just knew it was a boy, they could tell by the way I am carrying him, I may throw something at them. I have carried all my babies exactly the same way, had the same morning sickness with all of them, gained the same amount of weight with all of them, etc, etc. If I hadn't had so many ultrasounds, I would be convinced David was a girl like all the others!
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