Baby Nora is growing up so fast! I guess she is trying to keep up with her older siblings. This month she has mastered sitting and babbling (mostly bababa but I've heard a couple of mamama and dadada, too) and has learned to pick up her food and feed herself. She loves everything I've given her. I imagine this will last until about 18 months and then she will turn up her nose at everything, a la Annie, Jacob, and Sophie. Nora is still nursing seven times a day and is not sleeping all the way through the night yet--I feed her about 10pm and she wakes around 5am to nurse again. We've been packing in the last of the summer fun--the zoo, the children's museum, the pool, and our favorite park. We went to the beach and she played in the sand. Nora is happy to be along for the ride. She is becoming interested in books and playing with all kinds of baby toys and other things we find to keep her entertained (party hats, maracas, etc). Nora loves to laugh and smile and her brother and sisters love to bring those out in her. So cute together! (When they aren't making another mess that Mama will end up cleaning up...)
Such a cutie! Love those smiles. But, she is growing up way too fast!!
You can almost guess her thoughts with those expressions. I agree, such a cutie!