Half a year old already! At six months Sophie loves to play with her toys and is so interested in the happenings around her. She is interacting with her siblings more and can almost sit up. She makes it for a few seconds and then topples over. Sophie is eating oat and barley cereals, peaches, pears, apples, bananas, avocados, sweet potatoes, carrots, and butternut squash. We're going to try parsnips and plums soon.
This month we have lots of Christmas celebrations planned and we're going to try to have our picture made with Santa Claus--we'll see how that goes! Sophie is very, very attached to her mama right now. And she saves her biggest smiles for Daddy when he gets home from work every night. Sophie's schedule looks something like this: I wake her around 6am to nurse. She goes back to sleep till about 9am. Nurse, get dressed, head out for the morning. (We are about to add solids at breakfast time.) Noon, eat lunch (usually cereal and a veggie). 1pm nurse and take a nap till around 4 or 5pm. Nurse. Playtime! 6pm, eat dinner (usually cereal and a fruit). 6:45pm, bathtime. 7pm, nurse and go to sleep. 10pm, I wake her up to nurse again. I'm not sure how long she would sleep if I just let her go, but she's so tiny I think she needs the extra calories. Sophie is wearing 3-6 month clothes in separates and 6-9 month in one piece rompers and pajamas. Still size 1 diapers.
Sophie had her six month check-up yesterday. She is a happy and strong little baby, but she is just not gaining weight as she should. She weighed in at just under 12 pounds and is 25 and 3/4 inches long. Her pediatrician is not overly concerned, but we are going to see a pediatric gastroenterologist to see if we can get some answers. I'll keep you posted...prayers for our Peanut are appreciated!
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