Monday, September 2, 2013

Summer Goals Update

So, if you recall, I had three summer goals for my toddlers.

1. Potty train
2. Move JJ to big boy bed
3. Learn to drink from regular cups and retire the sippys

Here's how we're doing.

1. Potty training. JJ is doing really well. He wears a pull up at naptime and bedtime, but is wearing underwear the rest of the time we are at home. I still put a pull up on him when we go out, but he is staying dry 95% off the time. Another couple of weeks and I think he'll be in underwear when we're out of the house, too. Annie was so stressed out by potty training that I bought her another box of diapers and told her we could try again when the diapers ran out.

2. JJ is now sleeping in a big boy bed. He's doing pretty well, learning to stay in his room until his OK to Wake clock turns green.

3. Ahhh cups. So they know how to drink from regular cups, but every now and then they forget and dump them everywhere...and I'm lazy and don't want to keep cleaning up I'm trying to get them to drink from regular cups at dinner but sometimes it just isn't worth it. :) We'll get there eventually.

Fall goals? Preserve Mama's sanity and continue working on concepts.

Annie can count to 20 and JJ to 5, and they recognize most of their numbers now. I'm continuing to teach JJ his colors, and Annie is learning states from her U.S. map placemat. And I think I'm going to introduce phonics. Annie knows all her letters and JJ knows most of his, so I figure they might as well start learning the sounds the letters make. And we'll continue to read, read, read!

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