Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Amelia Island, another baby, and a visit with JJ

The Gent and I recently spent the weekend on Amelia Island. It was the longest we'd ever left Annie but she had a blast with her Honey and Poppa. It was our last chance to be kid-free for quite a while (since I tend to nurse babies forever and I hate pumping) and we made the most of it.



And in fostering news . . . I talked to our social worker at 9am this morning and told her we were ready for another placement. She called back at 11:20am to say she had a baby for us. Baby B is three months old and has black curly hair and chubby little thighs. She should be moving on to a relative placement on Thursday and our home will just be a brief stop for her. We're honored to care for her while she's here. Annie loves the baby so far. She has appointed herself "helper." We had dinner with JJ and his mom tonight and it was great to see him. He came running up to Annie, yelling her name over and over again. It was very adorable. He was sad and confused when we left, but I think it would be worse not to see him at all. It will get easier on him as he adjusts to his new situation.

1 comment:

  1. I am so inspired at your willingness to care for extra little ones! What a blessing they receive being a part of your family, if only for a few days!

    Speaking of nursing, I finally weaned 14 1/2 months. He ties with Em for being the longest nurser. He was ready and happened to coordinate his sleeping thru the night (finally) right around the same time we moved him out of our closet up into the boys’ bedroom! So although I’m sad to let go of my favorite part of the baby stage, I’m excited for Matt & my first overnight away from the kids :) - at a "Weekend to Remember”.

    So have you decided on a name for Annie’s sister?
