This little sweater, hat, and booties belonged to the Gent when he was a baby. One of his aunts made it for him. I love it and it is adorable on Annie with her little pink leggings. I bet the Gent didn't wear it with pink leggings. ;)
We've really enjoyed our walks this week because fall color has arrived at last! Our street is beautiful.
This is what the doggies look like after we walk:
I am already re-doing rooms. I was never quite happy with the family room. So we rearranged furniture and I've ordered a couple more chairs. Here's a grainy preview:
We had lunch at Chick-fil-A with the Gent. Annie had fun playing with her favorite toy: Daddy's sunglasses.
Annie has learned to pick up her food and feed herself, and she is so proud. Probably because the Gent and I applaud and cheer every time she does it. Sometimes she starts laughing at us and then the food falls out of her mouth, which kind of defeats the purpose! We are doing a combination of spoon feeding and self-feeding, and I am looking forward to the day when it is all self-feeding!
And now for a quick foster parenting update, 'cause there's not much to report yet. I talked with the social worker last week about next steps. We'll have orientation sometime in December, and start our training classes in January. They run for ten weeks. Then we'll start on paperwork. I'm not sure what all is required as far as a home study goes. We'll find out more as we go. :)
Let me know if you want any home study info. Though there is no news on our adoption yet, I can tell you all the functional steps in the process. The home study was actually the easy part. The waiting is SO hard!