I can't believe my baby girl is five months old already! She is becoming so expressive and vocal. She loves to click her tongue, laugh, and squeal. She also loves to play with her toys, especially the ones that make noise. Her jumperoo is quite a hit, as is a book with crinkly pages and corners that are just perfect for chewing. We haven't introduced solids yet as she (and Mama!) are very happy breastfeeding. Her little thighs get chubbier every day, so I think she is growing just fine. We will probably try solids next month, after we move and take our beach vacation.
Annie is still in size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes. She is getting long for her pajamas, though, so I think she may move up to bigger pj's soon. Her 3-6 month pants are just starting to fit. It is really too hot for pants, anyway! We love one-piece rompers and cute little sundresses.
Annie's typical day hasn't changed too much from last month, except she is now sleeping a straight stretch from 10pm to 6am, WOOHOO!!! It took a little bit of encouragement on our part, but within a week we had gone from waking at 4am to waiting till 6am (when I get up, anyway). We just let her wait about 15 minutes longer each night before going in to get her. If she was really screaming, we'd get her earlier, but most nights she would lay in her crib and talk to herself for a while before we'd get her up. I am very thankful for an eight hour stretch of sleep.
Annie-girl, I love being your mama!
Our five month essentials have been:
sleep sack (girl won't sleep without it on, I figure as far as attachments go that's pretty harmless)
any toy she can fit in her mouth
books, especially ones that rhyme
This baby girl is just precious... that second photo where she is cutting her eyes is just the most adorable thing I think I have ever seen! You have a ROCK star on your hands.