I know I say it over and over, but Annie is growing so fast! This month she has learned to tolerate tummy time and loves to practice sitting and standing. She has started napping in her crib, but is still sleeping in our room at night. She is showing lots of interest in her toys now, and especially likes ones with rattles or bells. She has fun looking at herself in a mirror, and enjoys being out of the house and having new people and places to look at. She is starting to express a definite preference for Mama and Daddy, but will go to others fairly willingly, as long as she is not being held like a baby! She likes to be up on your shoulder or in a front carry, where she can see what's going on in the world. She still loves her bathtime and likes to be outside when it is not too hot. She is wearing size 1 diapers and size 0-3 month clothes, but she's almost outgrown them. She'll be up to 3-6 months in another couple of weeks, I think. She weighs about 11 pounds now.
Annie's typical day looks like this: Wake up around 4am and 7am to nurse, then goes back to sleep till 9am. Nurses, plays, helps Mama around the house, nurses again, goes down for a nap around 11am and sleeps about two hours. Nurses, plays some more, maybe run some errands with Mama, nurses again, goes down for a nap around 2:30pm and sleeps for an hour or two. Wakes up, nurses, plays, helps Mama with dinner. Sits at the table with the grown-ups while they eat. Playtime and bathtime with Daddy, nurses, and goes to bed around 8pm.
Our three month essentials are:
toys that make noise
sleep sack
Rainforest bouncer
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