We filled pots on the front porch with begonias.
Petunias by the porch steps, coming up from the sidewalk.
The Gent transplanted monkey grass that was growing in random clumps in a backyard flowerbed to under this crape myrtle. Our lawn grass would not grow there. This is going to be much better than dirt. :)
More petunias in the flowerbed by the driveway.
This is where the random clumps of monkey grass used to be. We planted zinnia seeds and mulched it. Grow, zinnias, grow!
These roses were already planted along the backyard fence. I pruned them in January and now they are blooming beautifully! We planted herbs in between the rose bushes and mulched this bed, too.
Herbs for cooking, hopefully! We planted basil, rosemary, oregano, mint, and cilantro.
Pretty roses!
Gardening looks great. We can hardly wait until you get your house so we can give you lots of things. Monkey grass will grow anywhere.....We can give you lots of that, too or you could just plant kudzu....Ha!! Nana