Wednesday, April 14, 2010


As we look forward to the Gent's graduation, we've been thinking a lot lately about what it is that God wants us to do, where it is He wants us to go. In the short-term, He's made it very clear. But a few years from now . . . ?

One thing we are certain of is that we want to be in His presence. Our desire is to please our Lord, to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. This is not a life of drudgery or rules to follow, but an active relationship, a continual drawing nearer towards God's heart.

So, practically, what does that look like? We're not sure, exactly. We're doing some preliminary money planning. I mean, let's face it, if we end up going the law firm route long-term we are going to have way more money than we could ever possibly need. We're starting to decide now what kind of lifestyle we want to have. On my state worker's salary (which allows us to live comfortably, but certainly not extravagantly), we already make more money than something like 95% of people across the world.

We're also thinking about what our family will "look" like - not so much as in number of children (and dogs, ha!), but more in terms of, "what are our family's priorities going to be?" Where do we want to dedicate our time and or resources? We've been interested in adoption, foster parenting, and education for several years.

One thing we do know is that we want to avoid the lethargy that is sadly common in some of our churches today. We don't want to just be nice people who go to services on Sunday. We want to be passionate doers of God's Word.

What else is God leading us towards? I am so excited to find out! But in the meantime, I'm satisfied to rest in His presence.

1 comment:

  1. Think there is enough time in my life that I can grow up to be like my daughter?

    Once you get here, I have an idea of a couple of ministries that you would love. They combine many of your passions. I would love for us to be doers of God's Word together!
