We spent the weekend at Nana and Papaw's house. Honey, Poppa, and Uncle Tyler were there, too. Papaw was Santa Claus for the Lion's Club breakfast with Santa, but JJ and Annie were not too impressed. They did enjoy the parade, exploring Nana and Papaw's house, eating their first poptart, and opening their first presents!
we don't want to sit in Santa's lap this year
but Nana and Papaw's house is fun
admiring the tree (this photo is my favorite of the season so far)
and what a pretty tree it is!
with Papaw, waiting to open presents
playing the piano with Uncle Tyler
helping Nana open her present
Annie really liked carrying in presents from under the tree
and she was really cute doing it
oooh new toys! thanks, Nana and Papaw!!
walking with Honey, waiting for the parade to start
Santa Claus!
parade-watching with Nana
Annie and JJ both liked the horses best
Nana and JJ exploring outside
Annie is exploring, too
hey, look, a picture with both of us in it!
and my favorite out-take from our Christmas card photo shoot