Wow, what a year! The Gent and I have had so much fun watching Annie grow this year. She has changed so much and we love watching her learn new things. This month she continues to pull up on everything, cruise, and crawl (FAST!). She can stand for a few seconds and gets sturdier every day. She also talks more and more each day. She sits and carries on conversations with the dogs (usually Huck) and it cracks me up. I don't know what they talk about but it sounds very serious. She knows the meaning of several words (Mama, Dada, dog, bye-bye, clap, no . . .) and some of them she says (Mama, Dada, a "d" sound for dog) but she doesn't do it consistently, so I'm thinking we don't really have a "first word" yet.
Annie adores books. She climbs in your lap and wants you to read and read and read. I think we read eight books in one sitting yesterday. She loves rhymes and songs and we are really enjoying library storytime.
Annie is starting to move into 12 month sizes and is still in size 3 diapers (I think she will be for a long, long time). She is 17 lbs 1 oz and 28 1/2 inches long. That's still the 5th percentile for weight and the 25-50th for length. She is nursing 5x a day, and eats at least two servings of fruit, veggies, dairy, and whole grains a day and a serving of protein. New favorite foods this month are strawberries and clementines. She usually drinks a sippy cup of water with a little juice added, and we're going to try whole milk this week.
Year 2, here we come!